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Healthy life!
Hello everyone!
Today I started my day by reading the book "To win in the play" of author Adam Khoo who is one of the youngest successful people in Singapore. His books are always really attractive to me. I found out there a lot of valuable lessons.For example, I got the useful lesson is the habit can lead you to success and it also can lead you to failure. Good habits can change your life and bad habits can destroy your future. But you know, if you want to change your habit, it isn't easy. I guess it will make you not uncomfortable and frustrated in someday. But if you can you routine for at least 30 days, you can create a new good habit for yourself.However, you must recognize that what kind of habits we must have and what kind of habits we must eliminate.You know, people often have some bad habits. Why? I know that some bad habits in order to respond to their demand in daily life. For instance, some people prefer watching TV when they come home. They don't housework, talk to members of the family, rethink what did they do in this day or plan for tomorrow. They don't think that watching TV wastes a lot of useful time to do valuable things to help them achieve success.I also have done something like that. Sometimes I don't know what I need to do. So I know that I must change myself first and I can give advice to others then.Now I'm planer. I stick note what things I need to do in a day and I will finish it at the end of the day. I don't want to waste my time so far. I'm using Google calendar to keep my daily routine on the right track. And I also gain my knowledge by reading books and applying them in my life.I knew some good books which are written by Japanese author Hiromi Shinya. I will recover it in two near aweek. The below list will mark it in my story.
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